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Store Dashboard - Overview

What is an employer dashboard on JobzMall, and how do I navigate it?

Logan Lehman avatar
Written by Logan Lehman
Updated over 4 years ago

Your employer dashboard (or store dashboard) is the hub of operations for your company here on JobzMall. You can handle everything from posting jobs and interacting with your applicants to uploading cool new videos and sharing news with your followers. Literally, everything your company needs to work on JobzMall is housed within this incredibly powerful home-base.

How Do I Get To My Store's Dashboard?

Getting to your store's dashboard is very simple. Let's get started:

Quick Steps:

  1. Click on your profile image in the header. This will open your side drawer. (see Navigating JobzMall for more details on how to navigate JobzMall effectively).

  2. Find the store you want to manage in the Manage Stores section of your side drawer and click on it. This will take you to that store's dashboard.

Detailed Walkthrough:

When you first login, you will be sent to your home. From your home, click on your profile image to open the side drawer:

From your side drawer, find the store you want to manage in the Manage Stores section and click on it:

This will take you to your store's dashboard. Let's go over the different things you can do on your store dashboard.

What Can I Do On My Store's Dashboard?

Your store's dashboard is an extremely powerful tool in telling your company's story here on JobzMall. Let's briefly go through the dashboard's sections and capabilities together.


Your dashboard's home is the section that loads first when visiting the dashboard. It provides a brief overview of your store's analytics, shows any new updates about your store, and provides quick actions you can take to improve your store.


Your dashboard's jobs page shows all of the jobs you have, active or expired. It lets you search through your jobs, as well as filter to find exactly what you are looking for. More than navigating through your jobs, this is also where you manage them.

For more information on how to post a job, read "How Do I Post a Job?".


Your dashboard's applicants page is your talent hub. It allows you search through, filter, and review your applicants.


Your dashboard's posts page is the place where you engage with your audience. You can manage all of your JobzMall posts, view and respond to comments, and track engagement.


Our talent, and the world, now uses video as their main content digestion medium. Here at JobzMall, we are taking the future by the reigns and we empowering our experience and our talent with video - and because of this, videos are a huge catalyst in attracting talent here on JobzMall.

Your dashboard's videos page is the place where you can upload videos about your company and your culture. Plus, we make it easy by allowing both uploads and YouTube! From this page, you can also manage your personal story to let people know what it is like to be an employee and team member at your company!


The insights page gives you the ability to see how your store is performing on JobzMall. We include metrics including store visitors, job views, followers, amongst others.

Talent Bank

Talent Bank is JobzMall's premium talent search only available for companies that are subscribed to our Pro or Enterprise plans (see JobzMall Memberships for more information).


Your dashboard's team page houses all of members of your store. These are your colleagues that you have given dashboard access to or in which provided dashboard access to you. Each team member has a role that gives them different abilities on your dashboard. You may also invite new members if you are subscribed to a JobzMall Subscription that allows for more team members.

Store Settings

Your store settings page lets you control basic information about your store (e.g. company name, description, contact information), billing information (if your role is allowed to manage billing information), and also easily contact Help & Support.

Please see How do I edit my store information? for more details.

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